Friday, April 30, 2010

Tonight Matters

If you're an NBA junkie like I am, you've heard every possible 2010 free agent rumor there is ('Bron to Chicago, 'Bron, Johnson, and Bosh to NY, Bosh in a sign and trade to LA for Bynum). This has been really, really fun to discuss. The LeBron-to-Chicago is my personal favorite, as LeBron is switching his number next year to 6 (he wouldn't be able to wear 23 in Chicago, would he?) and the Rose/Noah combo screams "Multiple Titles." But as Bill Simmons noted on a podcast this week, Chicago's front office is too dysfunctional for King James to consider signing there. But I digress...

The one thing about all of this talk that has been frustrating for me is that Milwaukee has never entered the national conversation as a potential destination for ANY of these free agents. How amazing would it be if the Bucks had a chance at, say, Carlos Boozer? Sure, he stabbed a blind guy in the back. Who hasn't? But when athletes cheat on their wives with literally hundreds of women, and the public doesn't seem to care, isn't breaking an illegal handshake deal fairly innocuous? I think it is. So, how does a lineup of Jennings, Salmons, Delfino, Boozer, and Bogut sound to Bucks fans? That's a Conference-Finals quality group right there. But it has no chance of happening, as the Bucks are already over the salary cap for next season ($55.2 million committed on the estimated $53.6 million cap). However...

The Milwaukee Bucks are very well positioned to make a run at a marquee free agent at the conclusion of next season. The Bucks currently have $24.6 million committed to the 11-12 season. While this number will certainly rise (only 5 players are under contract for 11-12: Bogut, Jennings, Delfino, Ilyasova, and Bell), there is a very good chance the Bucks will have $20+ million to spend in the Summer of 2011.

You may ask "Oberon, if all the good players are free agents this summer, who's left in 2011 to spend our 20 large on?" That's a great question. How's this: Carmelo Anthony, Tayshaun Prince, Shane Battier, Troy Murphy, Zach Randolph, Jason Richardson, Tony Parker, and Andrei Kirilenko. Salmons will also be an UFA, so we'll have the option to resign him as well.

That is why tonight is so important. If we can get to Round 2 this season AND next season, it will show the 2011 crop of FA's that this team is on the brink. Let's face it, no one is coming to Milwaukee for the weather or the fine dining. But there are players, and one in particular, who appreciate the legacy that a championship brings elite ballers. I'm looking at you, Melo. Let's say King James stays in Cleveland (still the most likely outcome this summer) - James' supporting cast is Jamison and Williams for the next few years. While the Cavs would be perennial contenders, they wouldn't be shoo-ins for the title every year(as James, Rose, and Noah would be in Chicago). In that scenario, Melo will survey the landscape and choose his supporting cast. If you were Melo, wouldn't you want to run with Jennings (someone who raises his game when it matters and can take the scoring burden off your shoulders when necessary while sticking to the "creative" roll first and foremost) and Bogut (a shotblocker and rebounder who doesn't need the ball to get his 15ppg)? Isn't that a recipe for a championship team? Throw in Salmons or Jason Richardson at the two, so you have a sweet shooting compliment to keep defenses honest. We'd need a banger at the four (say, Leon Powe?) to rotate with Delfino and Ilyasova (think of the versatility), and they'd be set. That's a very, very good team.

It's likely a pipe dream one way or another. But there's a glimmer of hope if the brass have an inspiring playoff run this year and a successful run next year to tout Melo. So, Brandon has his chance to convince Melo down the line, just as Rose and Noah played their hearts out in the Cleveland series in an attempt to get James to sign with Chicago this summer. But it starts tonight at 6pm. I can't wait to see if he's up to it...

Fear the Deer...

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