Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Badger Bookie: NBA Playoffs

With five teams left in the NBA playoffs (impossibly, there are no games tonight; instead I'm watching the UFC Unleased marathon leading up to the Ultimate Fighter on Spike, which is apparently airing in 2001 in LO-D) let's take a moment and assess the situation.

The teams fall easily into two categories: Phoenix, Orlando, and Boston in the we-thought-they-were-pretty-good-and-showed-up, and Los Angeles and Cleveland, ruh-roh-'rhampions. Cleveland must be at least 20-1 to win it all down 3-2 after losing at home in Game 5 by a bajillion. Boston? 5-1? Could brilliant young energy at point guard be more of a blessing for a team? If you leave 'em open, they'll kill you, but fuck my knee hurts and I just ran over here.

The Suns are trending up and the Lakers are trending down, but probably not enough to make up for where they started odds-wise. Lakers 5-2 and Phoenix 3-1. Amare still seems angry that people suggested he wasn't worth it at trade deadline time. Gasol is making a top-10 biggest ripoff trade of all-time look even worse (may I remind you that the Lakers gave up Kwame Brown, Javaris Crittenton, and Aaron McKie for his services; McKie has probably had the best career since without playing a game.)

Orlando isn't the favorite. 4-1? 9-2? I don't trust 'em.

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